🛠️Runes Marketplace
1. Sell your Rune
Step 1
Head to https://runebtc.xyz/marketplace
Step 2
Click "Sell your Runes" to start selling your Runes
Step 3
Sell your Rune with the Rune selling form:
1. Select the Rune to sell
2. Select amount of the Rune to sell, you can click "Max" button to sell all of that Rune. Different from some Rune services, we allow you to sell all your Rune in one transaction instead of selling one by one Rune UTXO which may help in reducing the transaction fee for buyers and reducing transactions in Blockchain to further making Bitcoin blockchain less stuck.
3. Enter price ( in satoshis ) for the selling Rune amount. You can click "Floor Price" button to apply current floor price for that Rune.
4 & 5. Select selling mode for your selling. Let deep dive on this.
To make a fully decentralized secured Rune selling transaction and protect seller, it must lock 3 outputs.
One for OP_RETURN script which is used for constructing instructions of how many, which Rune and where to transfer. For example, your UTXO contains both Rune A and Rune B, the seller only wants to sell X amount of Rune A. Then the OP_RETURN script should write the instruct that only transfer X amount of Rune A to the buyer, the redundant amount will be sent back to the seller's wallet.
One output as the amount of Bitcoin to the seller when the sellings completed to ensure the seller receive exact amount as he wants when creating the selling.
One output for receiving refunding redundant Rune amount to the seller.
To lock exact the above 3 outputs we will need 3 UTXO inputs using the "SIGNHASH_SINGLE|ANYONE_CANPAY". You can read more about the different types of sighhash in Bitcoin here. When you locked the above 3 outputs, no one can alter the transaction to do something harmful for example, changing the amount of Bitcoin in the second output to buy the Rune with lower price, modifying the OP_RETURN script to steal your Rune B, etc.
From the time of this post (2024/05/24), what a pity that there's no Rune marketplace that offers the above security requirement ( you can check it yourself ).
When selling your Rune at these marketplaces, as the result of without above security requirements you will have risks of:
Loosing the Rune amount that needs to be refunded to your wallet in the first place.
Receiving less amount of required Bitcoin. For example, You created a selling of Rune A with 1 BTC but when the selling transaction completed, you receive only 0.000001 BTC.
These marketplaces are able to do the above exploits TECHNICALLY if they want. So for that kind of marketplace, we recommend you create sellings with the marketplace you trust only as bad marketplace can steal your funds at anytime.
Decentralized selling mode
As above security exploits treatmemt, with decentralized selling mode, you don't have to worry about above risks as all of 3 required outputs are locked with your 3 utxo inputs. Any attempts to malipulate the selling's outputs will make the transaction become invalid and no one will be able to steal your funds even for our devs. That's why we called it "Decentralized" mode where no one can malipulate your sellings.
Fast selling mode
As the complicated techinial requirements that needs to use 3 UTXOs for transaction's inputs, we also offer the fast selling mode that bypass the above outputs locking requirement that allow you to create the Rune selling easier as other marketplaces.
Click "Sell" then sign the transaction to complete creating the selling.
Last updated